Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Going to parlours for pedicures and manicures may seem like a costly affair when the same results can be aceivable at home ,well I feel better results .The foot scrubs which is available in the market are a bit pricey and made from all the chemicals which we are not aware of soo why not make a foot scrubat home with all the natural ingredients and store it and use it when required.Well I have tried this and it saved my lets go ahead and learn about this absolutely easy and afoordable foot scrub

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

50 Beauty Tips for Women

Rubbing occasional on thighs to combat fatty tissue and applying bicarbonate of soda on teeth to create them whiter square measure among women's weird beauty secrets.

Beauty Secrets
Other tricks include rinsing hair with raw eggs or beer to make it appear shiny and dabbing toothpaste on spots and insect bites to help to heal them.

The research which delved into the beauty regimes, habits and rituals found one in ten women said they would be prepared to try any bizarre tips if it made them look better.
And 10 per cent said they were a sucker for the latest beauty fad.
Sleeping in socks full of moisturiser and brushing talcum powder through hair are also common.
The extreme lengths which women go to were revealed following a comprehensive study involving 2,000 women by skincare experts Simple.Women within the survey additionally same they might be ready to distribute £79 on the average for the newest, all singing and dance surprise product.
A representative for straightforward said: "This eccentric list of beauty tips and tricks simply shows the lengths some ladies can attend look lovely and the way confusing a number of the following tips area unit.

Friday, August 22, 2014

6 simple ways to look gorgeous

Breathe in some fresh air, smile at your reflection, learn a yoga posture. Feeling beautiful isn't all about make-up
You don't need expensive facials or cosmetics to look good. Though beauty these days is all about stopping the clock and quickly fixing signs of aging, there are far simpler ways to look gorgeous and feel great.
Strike a dance pose
You could be anywhere, and suddenly move your eyes, feet and hands in a dance movement. Says dancer Geeta Chandran, "If you just move your eyes, or spin your hands in a classical dance movement, the mind will get the signal that you appreciate your own body movements." Mumbai-based belly dancer Veronica Simas de Souza reveals, "If you break into a dance movement any time of the day, you become conscious of your body in a very mystical way and feel beautiful."

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Lemon juice is great for oily skin
If you have oily skin, you may feel as though you're forever fighting a losing battle to remove the shine from your chin and forehead. You can probably thank your genes for the sheen: Overly oily skin is a problem that is often handed down through generations within a family.

The good news about oily skin is that it keeps the skin looking younger. Over time, people with oily skin tend to wrinkle less than people with dry or normal skin.

How can a person manage oily skin so that it looks great? Go to the next page to learn valuable home remedies for moderating oily skin.

1: Wash Your Face
In most cases, oily skin can be treated at home. However, you'll want to call a doctor if you develop acne that doesn't respond to home remedies or notice any sudden and/or unusual change in your skin (if it goes from dry to oily seemingly overnight but it isn't time for your period, for example). Otherwise, first try keeping skin squeaky clean.

As anyone with oily skin knows, the oilier the skin, the dirtier the skin looks and feels. To help combat this feeling, it's important to keep the skin clean by washing it at least twice a day. Some doctors recommend detergent-type soap. You might even try adding a drop or two of dishwashing detergent to your regular soap; the extra kick will act as a solvent for the oil. However, other dermatologists say detergent soaps are just too harsh even for oily facial skin, recommending instead twice-daily cleansing with a glycerin soap. If you try a detergent soap and find it too irritating for your skin, try the glycerin variety, generally available over the counter in the skin-care aisle of most drugstores.

2: Absorb Extra Oil
Try aloe vera. Apply aloe vera gel (available in many drugstores as well as health-food stores) to your face to absorb oil and clear out pores. Dab the gel onto your face two to three times a day (especially after washing), then let it dry. The gel will feel more refreshing if it's cool, so keep it in the refrigerator.

Wipe with astringents. Wiping the oily parts of the face with rubbing alcohol or a combination of alcohol and acetone (a mixture found in products such as Seba-Nil Liquid Cleanser) can help degrease your skin just as well as more expensive, perfumey astringents. Many drugstores even sell premoistened, individually wrapped alcohol wipes that you can keep in your purse for quick touchups throughout the day.

Carry tissues. Even if you don't have an astringent with you, paper facial tissues can help soak up excess oils in a pinch. You can also purchase special oil-absorbing tissues at the cosmetics counter that are very effective in removing excess oil between cleansings.

Chill out with cold water rinses. If you don't want to apply chemicals to your skin, simply splashing your face with cold water and blotting it dry a couple of times a day can help remove some excess oil.

3: Ban Moisturizers
While advertisements are forever urging women to apply facial moisturizers, oily-skinned folks shouldn't use them -- their skin is already doing a more than adequate job of keeping itself supple and warding off dryness. Applying a sunscreen to the face before going outdoors in daylight is still a very good idea, however; check labels for products that are designed for oily skin or that are noncomedogenic (meaning they'll be less likely to plug up pores, which is especially important for oily skin that is already more susceptible to acne blemishes).

4: Avoid Oils
Pull your hair back. It's best to keep hair away from the face if you are having issues with your skin. Often oily hair and oily skin go together.

Don't touch. Keep your hands off your face during the day. Hands deliver excess oil and dirt.

Use water-based cosmetics. Better yet, learn to live without makeup -- or at least without foundation -- since it will simply add to and trap the oil against your skin and set the stage for blemishes. If you feel you must use makeup, choose water-based products over oil-based types, and opt for spot concealers rather than coating your entire face. In general, stick with powder or gel blushers, and avoid cream foundations.

5: Make a Scrub or Masque
Giving your face a very light scrub can remove excess surface oil. Try this almond honey scrub: Mix a small amount of almond meal (ground almonds) with honey. Then gently massage (don't scrub) the paste onto your skin with a hot washcloth. Rinse thoroughly. You can also make a scrub from oatmeal mixed with aloe vera. Rub gently onto the skin, leave on for 15 minutes, then wash off thoroughly. If you suffer from acne on your face, however, you should probably skip the scrub, since it can aggravate your already-irritated skin.

Masques applied to the face can also reduce oiliness. Clay masques are available, or you can mix Fuller's Earth (available at pharmacies) with a little water to make a paste. Apply to the face and leave on for about 20 minutes before thoroughly rinsing off.

6: Exfoliate
Be abrasive, but in a mild way. Liquid soap users can add 1/2 teaspoon baking soda into the mixture. Rub gently onto oily areas such as the nose and chin. This gentle abrasive works well in getting rid of blackheads as well as oil. Rinse with cool water. Another good way to exfoliate the skin is with white or apple cider vinegar. Apply using a cotton ball before bedtime. Leave it on for five to ten minutes and then rinse with cool water. You'll need to use this remedy for three weeks to see improvements. If your skin is super-sensitive, dilute the vinegar with four parts water. For a summertime treat, chill the vinegar or freeze it into ice cubes and apply as a cooling facial.

7: Use Cornstarch and Salt
Cornstarch. Cornstarch dries up oily patches. Mix 1 to 3 tablespoons cornstarch with enough warm water to make a paste. Rub on your face, let dry, and then shower or rinse off with lukewarm water in the sink. Try this once a day for best results.

Salt. This gift from the sea is nature's best desiccant. Place tepid water into a small spray bottle and add 1 teaspoon salt. Close your eyes, and pretend you're at the seashore. Then squirt some of this salt spray on your face once during the day. Blot dry.

8: Make an Apple Facial
If you're willing to do some creative cooking, your effort will be rewarded with this homemade, oil-ridding facial. Mix 1/2 cup mashed apple, 1/2 cup cooked oatmeal, 1 slightly beaten egg white, and 1 tablespoon lemon juice into a smooth paste. Apply to your face for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

9: Try Egg Yok
A fast fix for removing oil shine requires one of the simplest foods: the egg. An egg yolk mask dries out the skin. Apply the egg yolk with a cotton ball to oily spots. Leave on for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

10: Refresh Skin With Fruit
Citrus fruits and some vegetables not only refresh the skin but also help reduce oils. Mix equal parts lemon juice and water, pat on face, and let dry. Rinse first with warm water followed by cool water for a refreshing treat. You can also try mixing 1/2 teaspoon lime juice with an equal amount of cucumber juice. Apply to skin a few minutes before showering.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

8 Simple And Quick Home Remedies For Fair Skin

home remedies for fair skin
Many cosmetic products like BB creams, Tinted lotions, Moisturizers etc claim to provide instant fairness. But all of these products lighten your skin only for a short duration. Fairness cannot be achieved overnight and one has to take care of one’s skin regularly to achieve the desired natural fairness. For instant glowing natural and fair skin, always keep these mantras in mind:

  • Follow the CTM (cleansing, toning and moisturising) routine daily.
  • Exfoliate your skin at least twice a week. This will help to remove the dead cells and open pores, thus lightening your skin tone.
  • Always use sunscreen 20 minutes before stepping out from home. A good sunscreen with SPF 40 will help to prevent tan in the Indian climate.
  • Drink adequate amount of water to keep your body and skin hydrated. A good night sleep is also very important for healthy and glowing skin.
  • Indulge in home remedies like face packs and scrub for natural fairness.

Here are some easy and quick skin lightening home remedies:

1. Lemon:
Lemon is the best natural remedy for skin lightening. It helps to reduce the blemishes and dark spots. Rub fresh lemon juice over the darkened skin and leave it for 10 minutes. Wash off with cool water. Remember not to expose yourself to the sun, while doing this treatment. There is no way that you look for skin lightening tips and not find lemon on the list. You should be careful as lemon can cause irritation on the wounds and cuts.

2. Milk:
Prepare a face pack by mixing 1 teaspoon of milk and 1 teaspoon of honey. Make a smooth paste and apply all over your face. Rub gently in circular motions and keep for 15 minutes. Use low fat milk if you have oily skin and full cream milk if you have dry skin.

3. Turmeric:
This is an ingredient used by our ancestors and is still considered one of the best skin lightening agents. Prepare the mask by combining 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder and 3 teaspoons of fresh lime juice. Apply over the exposed skin and keep for 15 minutes. You should be careful while using this pack, as turmeric can stain your clothes.

People with sensitive skin can dilute the pack with a little amount of water.

4.  Egg pack:
Beat an egg till it’s fluffy and frothy. Apply on the face and keep it on till it dries off completely. Wash off with cool water. You can also add lemon juice or 2 drops of lavender oil or tea tree oil, to reduce the smell of the egg.

5. Tomato:
Tomato contains lycopene, which helps to reduce tan instantly. A perfect choice of the home remedies for skin lightening. This face pack will lighten the skin tone, reduce tan and eliminate the dead cells on the face. In a blender, add 1-2 tomatoes and 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. You can also add gram flour (besan) into it. Blend well to make a smooth paste. Apply this all over the face and keep for 20 minutes. Wash off with cool water and repeat this procedure daily before bath.

6.  Hot Oil Body Massage:
Enjoying your weekends? Indulge in the hot oil body massage for relaxation and also to get fairer skin. Choose base oil such as almond oil, coconut oil or olive oil. To this, add crushed neem and tusli leaves and warm gently. Apply this all over your body and massage well. Keep for 30 minutes and get into the shower. Hot oil massage increases the blood circulation all over the body and thus reduces tan.

7.  Yogurt Pack:
In 2 teaspoons of plain yogurt, add 1 teaspoon of honey and mix well to form a smooth paste. Apply on your face and keep for 15 minutes. Wash off with cool water. Repeat this procedure daily for best results.

8. Fruit Pack:
Fruits can work wonders for your skin and also provide you with naturally glowing skin. Prepare a fruit pack by combining the pulp of an avocado, papaya and cucumber. Then add 2 teaspoons of cream or malai. Mix well to form a paste and apply all over the face. Leave it for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. People with oily or combination skin can avoid adding cream, they can add multani mitti instead into the pack.

A good beauty regime, healthy diet and proper exercise are the keys for getting healthy and glowing skin.

Till then take care and keep it stylish!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

5 Foods For Naturally Glowing Skin

“Skin that is healthy from the inside will glow from the outside” – can we consider this as the modern day adage?
With the heavy pollution and environmental factors like the harsh sun, the stress of balancing work and family life together with unhealthy snacking and intake of junk food? Glowing skin has become an elusive concept for us! When we do not find enough time to give our skin all the care it requires (in the form of essential nutrients and skin care), how can we expect it to glow in good health?
If we can bring some modifications in our diet and follow the basic CTM (Cleansing, Toning, and Moisturizing) regimen, it is possible to acquire glowing skin naturally. After all, healthy skin is what we call beautiful skin!

Today let us look at some wonderful food for good skin, and that of our choice which can make our skin glow, and which can also be called as “beauty foods”.
These are the skin-friendly components in our diet can help us acquire glowing skin naturally. These best food for good skin will help us rectify all the problems from inside out too.

Foods for glowing skin

1. Dark Green Leafy Vegetables:

Adding them to your daily diet is one of the easiest ways to enhance the skin’s natural radiance. Loaded with antioxidants, essential vitamins and nutrients, dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, Swiss chard, arugula help rid our skin of dullness and endow us with glowing skin. This tops the list of foods for glowing skin any day!

2. Kiwi:

Speaking of food for healthy skin. kiwis are true skin-savers! High on Vitamin C content, it protects our skin against the onset of wrinkles and boosts collagen synthesis. In fact, any Vitamin C-rich food such as guavas, oranges, bell peppers, grapefruit, strawberries etc. will do the trick. Vitamin C has multiple benefits for our skin including protecting it from sun damage and promoting cell turnover, thus preserving the youth and beauty of our skin.

3. Wild Salmon & Nuts: 

Food rich in Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for providing skin with a healthy dose of natural oils (good fats) that in turn reduces inflammation, acne, scaly skin and redness. We can acquire smooth, healthy and glowing skin through consumption of nuts like walnuts and almonds and fish like salmon, trout and herring. A perfect source of ingredients expected from skin glowing foods

4. Carrots:

This easily makes its way into the list of skin-friendly food!  Containing high levels of beta-carotene, Vitamin A and antioxidants, carrots can give us healthy skin from the inside by flushing out toxins. It protects our skin from sun-induced damage preventing premature ageing and wrinkles. Thus warding off or at least delaying the ageing process.

5. Water:

This is not new to us but yes, water can make us glow from head to toe! Drinking lots of water throughout the day will keep your system internally hydrated which in turn directly reflects on your skin. Water helps us not only by flushing out the harmful toxins from our system but also by keeping those ugly wrinkles at bay and giving us naturally getting glowing skin. Keep a bottle of water handy and sip when you crave for your favorite cola the next time!
I am sure you have no questions on what to eat for healthy skin anymore! Set your diet. Be healthy and look beautiful too.

How to Treat Pigmentation of Skin on Face

how to treat pigmentation
Discolouration and unusual lightening can make your self-confidence go for a toss. As much as our makeup kit comes handy, there is nothing like early precaution and right treatment.

Out of the many options, try the very easy to arrange remedies. Remember; visit a dermatologist when nothing is working in your favour.

Home remedies:

Most of the things you would need are easily available.

  • Aloe Vera cream/oil, vitamin E oil shows quick results
  • Intake of lots of water to flush out the toxins for a healthy and glowing skin
  • Rub a slice of lime across the darkened patches
  • Multani mitti mixed with rose water lightens dark patches
  • Raw potato juice does the trick for many
  • Mix a few drops of lime juice with honey and leave it on the darkened patch for a few minutes
  • Lemon juice mixed with basil leaves and applied over dark circles and patches can reduce discolouration
  • Mix oatmeal, milk and brown sugar in equal parts and use to rub across skin
  • Massage cocoa butter on affected skin for a few weeks
  • A few drops of lemon juice with your regular simple face cream reduces the patches
  • Apply cucumber juice or wash your face with boiled some cumin seeds
  • Rose water is an all-purpose beauty essential that works wonders on all skin types
  • Use a paste of dry orange peels powder with water works or a mash up of guava and banana pieces
  • Soak almonds overnight, grind them and add milk to use it as a paste
  • Vinegar with water proves to be a quick fix
  • Avoid excessive intake of tea, coffee, chocolates, excess spices, acidic food
  • Applying raw papaya juice or the pulp of a ripe papaya is a sure formula to reduce pigmentation

Pigmentation treatment plans revolve around medicines, creams and laser treatments.
Always remember to take good skin care, whether one has pigmentation or not.